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Vim Command Cheat Sheet

Commonly Used Vim Command |----------------------|--------------------------------------------------------| | Operation | Command | |------...

Git Command Cheat Sheet

OVERVIEW SVN and Git are both version control tool with some differences: SVN is a centralized version control tool as Git is distributed. More specifically, SVN acts like master-slave model. There...

Introduction of CPRI and eCPRI (Under Construction)

OVERVIEW REF [1] [2] [3]

Introduction of C-RAN and O-RAN (Under Construction)

OVERVIEW REF [1] [2] [3]

FPGA Serial I - Get Started with PicoBlaze

Run PicoBlaze on Nexys3 (Spartan-6 FPGA) to Light 8 LEDs

OVERVIEW This tutorial shows how to use Xilinx FPGA (Nexys3 board). In this example, we will run a soft core called PicoBlaze on Nexys3 and then light 8 LEDs. Code for this part is here REQUIREMEN...

FPGA Serial II - Display Seven-Segment

Control 4-digit Seven-Segment with Both Software and Hardware Method

OVERVIEW This tutorial shows how to control 7-segment on Nexys3. Two method will be introduced: software and hardware. Software method will generate 7-segment control signals with PicoBlaze while h...

FPGA Part III - Design Your Own Processor

Build Your Own Processor with Multi-Cycle Machine

OVERVIEW In part I and II, we used PicoBlaze as micro-controller to implement our design. This part will try to design our own microprocessor which runs on Nexys3. This processor is quite simple bu...